Our Certifications & Accreditations 


Our ISO certifications validate that efficiency and sustainability are at the core of everything we do. Our commitment to quality management ensures that we deliver reliable solutions to our clients while prioritising safety and environmental responsibility.

ISO 45001: 2018

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems


The ISO45001 safety standard seeks to align the safety management system more closely with an organisation's fundamental operational procedures. By deeply integrating the safety system into the organisation's core activities, ISO45001 strives to cultivate a robust safety culture. This involves leadership from management at all levels and engages stakeholders ranging from employees to external contractors. 

Here at Patriot, our people's safety is our core priority. We exceed standard risk assessment methods by internalising 'risk intelligence' training in our operators, ensuring a higher level of safety awareness and preparedness.

ISO 14001: 2015

Environmental Management System


This certification verifies that we effectively manage and mitigate the environmental implications of our business operations. At Patriot, we emphasize continuous improvement in sustainable practices, maintaining current industry and EHP regulatory licenses that undergo periodic audits, providing full-cycle environmental solutions without compromising quality, all while adhering to strict regulatory waste elimination and reuse principles.

ISO 9001: 2015

Quality Management System


We prioritize ISO 9001:2015 compliance to minimize project delivery risks, uphold regulatory standards that enables us to consistently deliver high-quality products to our customers.

Continuous improvement of our QMS, as well as our resources. Through meticulous maintenance schedules and regular updates, we guarantee that our resources, including our fleet and equipment, as well as technology, remain in peak condition. The strategic partnerships that we have cultivated within the industry with leading technology providers and experts bolster our access to cutting-edge innovations and insights, enabling us to stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology.