Non-Destructive Digging


Non-Destructive Digging (NDD) is fast becoming the preferred method of excavation for many in the construction Industry. By safely breaking up soil through the use of air or water, the risk of damage to utilities is vastly reduced, when compared to manual or mechanical digging methods. This enables safe, fast, precise excavation that requires less backfill, labor and restoration. NDD can safely excavate without causing unnecessary damage to existing underground services. NDD services can be conducted near and around water networks, telecommunications, power or gas lines with minimal risk and without any potential damage caused to those services.

Patriot Environmental Management offers a wide range of state-of-the-art NDD units for vacuum excavation. Depending on the application, our units range from:

  • 6,000L to 20,000L units. Heavy rigids fitted with 4-6" hoses, most with booms for intricate work through to high-powered semi-trailers for bulk excavation work.
  • 2,000psi to 5,000psi high-pressure water jetting equipment.