Industry Specialists in

Tunnelling & Drilling

Patriot Environmental Management works with tunnelling clients on projects ranging from utility pipelines to rail and car tunnels. We have support services for all tunnel processes, such as; slurry shield, earth pressure balance and open-shield methods. We have a wide range of capabilities of benefit to our drilling clients, including support for:

  • Horizontal directional drilling projects for installing utilities such as gas, pipelines, water and communications.
  • Coal Seam Gas (CSG) markets for exploration, core hole drilling and pilot testing
  • Piling projects.

Our vacuum tankers remove all tunnel slurries, drill muds, bentonites and other drilling byproducts. We are specialists in removing contaminated liquids and soils from drilling through grounds that contain hydrocarbons and acid sulphate, and our tippers can remove all remaining wastes. We also deliver bulk water to supply rigs, and hire out ISO liquid storage tans to store liquids on site.

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